How to Quickly Find and Execute Scripts in a Large package.json

Sometimes, package.json’s scripts section gets very long - especially in a monorepo.

Fortunately, fzf + jq makes a great combo to quickly find and execute package.json’s scripts.


You will need the following CLI:

  • jq: a utility to work with JSON files
  • fzf: a powerful, versatile fuzzy finder


# Display the list of npm scripts in a fuzzy finder to execute
jq -r '.scripts | keys[]' package.json | fzf \
  --header "Select a script to execute" \

Step by step explanation

  1. Retrieve the Script Names:

Using jq, we extract all the keys of the scripts.

The -r flag ensure quotes are stripped from the result.

jq -r '.scripts | keys[] package.json

Note: we assume that the script is executed in the directory containing the package.json file.

  1. Pipe the Result to fzf:

Next, we simply pipe the result to fzf.

We add a header to enhance the UX.

  1. (Optional) Save the Command as a Script:

You can save the command as a script (e.g., psc).

This way, you can cd into a repository directory and simply type psc to execute the script finder.

Enjoy, Aloys.